"...the six colours [including the flag’s white background] thus combined reproduce the colours of all the nations, with no exception. The blue and yellow of Sweden, the blue and white of Greece, the tri- colours of France, England and America, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, the yellow and red of Spain next to the novelties of Brazil or Australia, with old Japan and new China. Here is truly an international symbol."- Pierre de Coubertin.
Across the years the Olympic Flag has been seen and broadcasted around the world. The 5 interlocking rings are the highlight of the Olympic Flag. Pierre De Coubertin got the concept of the rings from an Ancient Greek artifact and carried his idea back to the IOC (International Olympic Committee).
The RingsThe 5 rings represent at least one of the colours found on each of the participating countries in normally used in the continents flag. A continent is a large mass of land. The blue represents England and most of the Commonwealth countries, black for the African flags, the 3 tri-colours for France and red and yellow for Spain. Other theories suggest that the representation of the Olympic rings is that they symbolize the continents but this was not yet approved.
Raising of the flag The Olympic Flag was first raised to be seen in throughout the world in Antwerp, Belgium, 1920. It was supposed to be raised in 1916 but due to WWI it was postponed.
The Olympic Flag brings people united and also the world at peace. as long as we stand together in joy and happiness the world and future generations will see the Flag in the same view as we have.