Edge water Giants
Giants from far distant land com to gather to Edge Water to frighten lost and lonely children. As Room 8 escaped the flying bus we were shoved outside into the black rough death park. Our one and only adult, Mrs.Dines got taken away by a Phoenix and the only thing left of her was her 2 black heels and a magic book to escape.
Leading ourselves to the blue wide cage doors we were greeted by a horrific smell and a musty grey fog. Shadows ran across the fog taunting us with their hyena like laugh and to our surprise the fog started to lift. With widened eyes we saw 4 giants lined up, looking at us with famished looking eyes. Room 8 rushed across the gathering crowd and ran ourselves towards the force field of light. Finally we were safe and the light blinded and frightened the giants. We were immediately greeted by a lovely fairy, "Hello my name is Mrs.Scott, please do not be afraid little children, your teacher is okay she is being treated in the medical lab", she explained, " Come follow me we will start Technicraft!" So we did as she said and we were led to the Sewing room. As I glanced back one more time I saw the Edge water Giants turn back into normal ordinary children like us and Mrs.Scott turned into a regular teacher.
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